Monday, November 17, 2008

Smash Mouth

On Saturday there was a free concert at the beach and smash mouth was the guest group. We got there and went to the restaurant to get something to eat and they was a bunch of people in there. Someone came out and we asked if they were open and they said that they were not at the time. As we walked away mark told Josh that that was the group smash mouth so Josh went back and asked if that was who they were and when they said yes he asked for there autograph and they agreed to giving autographs and pictures. After the show they also did a meet and greet and would let you go and get a picture with the whole band so Amy was in one of the pictures with her friends and the other was with josh. Notice that they look like wet rats. Well that was because it started raining during the concert and it was really coming down hard. The concert was outside so needless to say we were all drenched. It made for a fun 45 minute ride home. lol. As for the other picture of Mark and Josh in front of the truck. Well we went sight seeing for the day and stopped at a beach along the way. The beach was just closing but they allowed us to go in anyway and just look around. The beach was beautiful!!! As we were leaving we saw the truck there and it had a Utah liscense plate on it so that is why we took the picture of the truck. Now how cool is that?!!? It made us feel close to home. lol...


We are the Dall family said...

Wow, aren't you lucky!! That would never happen here.

Jayne said...

WOW!! Tammy, you are so smart. I love the pictures and miss you guys so much.

TeamDall said...

Hey now, you're an all star!